Rust Job: engenheiro de software ($40,000 USD - ano)

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Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Job type


Rust Job Details

Olá amigo. We're GetOutPass and we're hiring two Latin American candidates for a fully remote full time software engineering position. The position pays $40,000 USD per year and you will have substantial upward potential in our quickly growing USA based company.

We're looking for four main skills in our hires:

  • Excellent coding abilities. Language choice doesn't matter. All our programming is done with Typescript but some of our best engineers joined us with no prior experience in the language.
  • Excellent English. Software development requires a ton of communication and if you don't have excellent English writing and speaking skills, it's just not going to work out. That said, your English just needs to be good enough to communicate well - it doesn't need to be perfect by any means.
  • Excellent work ethic. Many engineering teams get done in 80 hours what could be accomplished in 40 if their teams worked in a more focused and diligent manner. We aren't perfect at GetOutPass but we try our best to work hard and stay focused.
  • Exceptional independence. We expect all our programmers to be able to translate problems into concrete, creative solutions with a minimum of hand holding from stakeholders.

If you think you might be a good fit, your first task will be to NOT click the apply button here on this website and instead apply by completing a twenty five minute assessment at HackerRank at the following url:

Hope to talk to you soon!!!


Job Info

Position: Software Engineer, Ingeniero de Sofware, Backend Engineer, Frontend Developer, Full Stack Engineer, Software Developer, Desarollador de Software

Languages: Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, C#, Elixir, Dot Net, C, Clojure, C++, D, DB2, Erlang, Fortran, F#, Groovy, Haskell, Julia, Kotlin, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, Pascal, Perl, PyPy, PyPy3, R, Racket, Rust, Common Lisp, Scala, Smalltalk, Swift, VB.NET

Tipo de puesto: Tiempo completo

Sueldo: R$204.356,00 al año